Task Description: We got books this morning at assembly 27/11/2020.
Friday, 27 November 2020
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Choose it writing
Once upon a time there was a city. That city was a great city. People go there for holidays or on vacation. Until it was flooded the water flooded over the bridge then people stopped going to the city because it was too dangerous. Then people at the city started to leave and did not drive. They had to go on a boat because they can’t use the bridge.
The water will keep on rising and keep on going higher and higher. The city was flooded for over six years then the water started to go down slowly for like about three or four years. After three or four years the water was back to normal. People think the water was back to normal but it wasn't. It dried out and there was no more water in the city.
When the people were trying to get out of the city three boats did not make it out. Three boats sunk on the way they crashed into each other started from the bridge. So two boats were driving next to each other one was going straight at the bridge so it did a turn but then the driver turned into the other boat.